Siegfred Baluyot - On the density of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function near the critical line PDF
Pierre Charollois - Felder-Varchenko modular forms and the arithmetic of cubic number fields (on Eiseinstein’s Jugendtraum) PDF
Giovanni Coppola - Shift Ramanujan expansions PDF
Noureddine Daili - Logarithmic Densities of Subsets and Arithmetic Functions PDF
Henri Darmon - The j-function, the golden ratio, and rigid meromorphic cocycles PDF
Vladimir Dokchitser - Parity of ranks of abelian surfaces PDF
Tom Fisher - Computing the Cassels-Tate pairing PDF
Mikhail Gabdullin - On the stochasticity parameter of quadratic residues PDF
Peter Cho-Ho Lam - Simultaneous Prime Values of Two Binary Forms PDF
Jaclyn Lang - Images of GL2 -type Galois representations PDF
François Laniel - On the proximity of multiplicative functions to the number of distinct prime factors function PDF
Patrick Letendre - The number of integer points close to a polynomial PDF
Adam Logan - Automorphism groups of K3 surfaces over nonclosed fields PDF
Wanlin Li - Vanishing of Hyperelliptic L-Functions at the Central Point PDF
Stefano Marseglia - Isomorphism classes of abelian varieties over finite fields PDF
Steven Miller - From the Manhattan Project to Elliptic Curves PDF
Thomas Morrill - Improving the t-free Results on Robin's Inequality PDF
Damien Roy - Parametric geometry of numbers PDF
Jonathan Sands - Numerical evidence for higher order Stark-type conjectures I: Theory PDF
Wujie Shi - Groups and numbers some unsolved Diophantine equations PDF
Harry Smit - Reconstructing global fields and elliptic curves PDF
Daniel Vallières - Numerical evidence for higher-order Stark-typeconjectures II: The numerical calculations PDF
Paul Voutier - Sharp bounds on the number of solutions of X^2 − (a^2 + p^2m)Y^4=-p^2m PDF
Michel Waldschmidt - Generalization of the Landau–Ramanujanconstant for sums of two squares to other binary forms PDF
Mingzhi Zhang - Polynomial sieve and its application to Bateman-Horn conjecture and Goldbach conjecture PDF